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Additional game rules

Iuno Artifact

Iuno Artifact features multi-colour figure, spell and gem cards and introduces artifact cards as a new card type.

Players can use artefacts to equip figures, allowing them to use the effects of the respective artifacts.

Additionally, figures can conduct activities, such as attacking each other.


Card types

The Iuno Artifact deck breaks down into five card types:

12 multi-colour chimera figure cards, 12 multi-colour vegetable and tree spell cards,12 multi-colour gem cards

and 18 artifact cards. Artifact cards can equip figures to empower them with additional strengths and skills.

Figure (card)

Figures cards typically bring permanent effects, which

are into effect when the

figure card is active.

Spell (card)

Spell cards typically bring

one time effects, which immediately come into effect when arriving on Earth.

Gem (card)

Gem cards can be used

to pay for spell or figure cards, when their element matches the element of the played card.

Artifact (card)

Artifact cards can be attached

to figure cards to provide them with additional permanent effects or let them conduct activities.

Similar to figure cards, artifacts can bring inclusive or exclusive permanent effects to the figures they equip.

Artifacts can also strengthen the attack or defence skills of figures or let them conduct activities.

Whenever a figure equipped with an artifact is taken from earth to hell, the artifact card stays on earth.

Example Cards - Iuno Artifact.png

Additional operators

These additional operators influence attack, defence or level skills of figure cards.


A figure is attacking an opponent's figure.


A figure is defending an attack

of an opponent's figure.

Level up

A figure is increasing

its level by one.

Playing Iuno Artifact

The player can perform additional actions:

  • They can use a die equip one of their figure cards on Earth with an artifact card by paying its cost, taking it from Heaven (or from Earth) and attaching it to the figure card

  • They can use a die to let an active figures play their one-time effect

  • They can use a die to let an active figure attack the opponent or an opponent's figure


Equipped figure cards immediately additionally gain the effects and attack, defend or level up bonuses listed on the equipping artifact card.


Artifact cards stay on Earth permanently and remain on Earth, when the equipped figure leaves Earth. Players can equip figures with idle artifacts from Earth by performing the respective action.


When a figure attacks the opponent, they can use one of their figures to defend the attack.

When a figure is defending an attack of its owner or itself, its owner rolls a die. If the rolled number is smaller than the number of gems on top of the attacking figure, the attack was successful.

Attack symbols on the attacking figure and all artifacts equipping it are added to the attack strength of the attacking figure; defend symbols on the defending figure and all artifacts equipping it are added to the defense strength of the defending figure.

Level up symbols on a figure or all artifacts equipping it are added to the result of the rolled die when levelling up.


If an attack was successful, the defending player needs to remove a gem from Earth respectively from the attacked figure. If an attack was not successful, the player needs to remove a gem from the attacking figure.

If a figure without any gems on top of it loses against an attack, it is sent to Hell. If a player without any gems loses an against an attack, they need to leave the game. If all other players would have left the game, the remaining player wins.

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