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  • Which player begins the game?
    The player with the Avatar of Fire begins the game. If no player controls the Avatar, the player with the Earth Avatar begins the game. If also no player controls the Avatar of Earth, the player with the Avatar of Light begins the game. If also no player controls the Avatar of Light, the player with the Avatar of Life begins the game. If also no player controls the Avatar of Life, the player with the Avatar of Water begins the game. The player with the Avatar of the Dark consequently never begins.
  • How to win the game?
    Once a player manages to liberate their Heaven (their hand) from all cards, they immediately win the game. Since in standard conditions every player needs to take a new card and may take only one die every turn - and can consequently play only one card per turn, players need to utilise effects of cards in order to change standard conditions in favour of themselves. E.g. effects of cards can allow to discard or not to take cards or to take multiple dies.
  • What are the dies used for?
    In standard conditions, a player takes a die in the beginning of their turn and can use it to perform an action. If the player would have more dies at disposal (thanks to certain effects), they can perform an action with every die. Depending on the action, dies can be rolled or simply discarded to perform the action. In the standard game Iuno Avatar players can use their dies to perform the following actions:​ They discard the die to summon a figure card by paying its cost and moving it from Heaven to Earth They can discard the die to cast a spell card by paying its cost and moving it from Heaven to Earth They can roll the die to activate/level up a figure card on Earth by moving a(nother) gem on top of it: the action is successful, when the rolled number exceeds the number of gems on top of the figure In the Iuno Artifact extension, player additionally can perform the following actions: They can use a die equip one of their figure cards on Earth with an artifact card by paying its cost, taking it from Heaven (or from Earth) and attaching it to the figure card They can use a die to let an active figures play their one-time effect They can use a die to let an active figure attack the opponent or an opponent's figure ​ Discarded or rolled dies are put back in the middle of the table. An action needs to be finished, before the player can play another one (in case they would have more than one die available).
  • What happens, if no dies, cards or gems are available anymore?
    If there would be no dies or gems left in the middle of the table, the player can take a die or gem from the players with the most dies/gems. If there are no cards left in the card stack, Hell gets shuffled and replaces the stack face down.
  • What is the difference between inclusive and exclusive permanent effects?
    Permanent cards such as figures can bring inclusive or exclusive effects. With inclusive effects (represented by a circle), a specific activity triggers another activity, which is happening additionally to the first activity; with exclusive effects (represented by a rhombus), a specific activity is replaced by another activity. Players can always choose whether they want a specific effect to take place or not.
  • Can effects be combined?
    Yes, effects of cards an be combined with each other, i.e. the effect of one card can trigger the effect of another. However effect loops within the same effect sequence are not further executed, i.e. an effect of a card doesn't again trigger the same effect or an effect of a card that had already triggered before within the same effect sequence. E.g. if an effect would allow you to take a card, whenever you take a card, you may take only one additional card. Similarly, if an effect would allow you to discard a card whenever you take a card and another effect would allow you to take a card, whenever you discard a card, you may combine these two effects by discarding a card and taking one additional card, but perform these effects only once.
  • Can I use an effect only partially?
    No, you can use effects only as a whole. However you can always decide not to make an effect take place (as a whole). E.g. if you control a figure card on Earth allowing you to "whenever you would discard a gem, instead you may force an opponent to discard a gem", then you can decide not to use the effect and discard a gem by yourself. But you cannot use only the first part of the effect and don't discard a gem, if not instead an opponent discards a gem. Similarly, if an effect allows you to draw three cards, then you can decide to either draw three cards or to not use the effect and not to draw any card at all. But you cannot decide to draw only two cards.
  • Do I need to activate spell cards?
    No, spell cards come into effect immediately after they have been casted and arrived on Earth. After the effect is accomplished, the used spell card is directly moved to Hell.
  • Can I use more than one gem card to pay for a card?
    Yes, you can use more than one gem card to pay for a card. When you play a card (e.g. a figure or a spells), you move it from Heaven to Earth and then have to pay its costs. You can use either combination of gem cards of a matching element and gems to pay for the card. Gem cards utilised to pay for the card are directly moved to Hell. E.g. you could use a gem card of order 2 plus a gem card of order 1, both of element Light, plus a gem to pay for a figure card with cost 4. After the card has arrived on Earth (and in case of a spell card, its effect has taken place and it has been moved to Hell), you can play another card if you would still have dies available to perform the respective action. You will need to use different gems and gem cards to pay for this another card.
  • Can I use a gem card to pay for more than one other card?
    No, you can play only one card at a time. When you play a card (e.g. a figure or a spells), you move it from Heaven to Earth and then have to pay its costs. You can use either combination of gem cards of a matching element and gems to pay for the card. Gem cards utilised to pay for the card are directly moved to Hell. E.g. you could use a gem card of order 2 plus a gem card of order 1, both of element Light, plus a gem to pay for a figure card with cost 4. After the card has arrived on Earth (and in case of a spell card, its effect has taken place and it has been moved to Hell), you can play another card if you would still have dies available to perform the respective action. You will need to use different gems and gem cards to pay for this another card.
  • Can I overpay, i.e. use a gem card of a higher order to pay for a card that costs less?
    No, you must not overpay and pay the exact cost of a card. E.g. you cannot use a gem card of order 3 to pay for a card that costs only 2, also if the element matches.
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